Our Vision

At the Cutting Edge Word Ministry International (CEWMI), our vision is to raise a people of purpose, character and impact through the preaching and teaching of the undiluted Word of God and the workings of the Holy Spirit.

We have been called to build a community of people with the Kingdom mentality that will carry His divine Presence and impact their world till the whole world is filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as waters cover the sea.

Our mandate is to see the lost souls saved, getting them rooted in Christ and nurtured in His Word till they stand in the fullness of God’s purpose for their lives.


The Commission

In the January of 2000, when the Lord spoke to us thus- “I open unto you doors into the nations of the earth and that is for the sake of My Kingdom”, the Dream of reaching nations looked unrealistic as no nation would open to us then. And when the Lord commanded us in December 2005 to start publishing the WORD committed into our trust in a magazine and send them into the nations of the world at no cost, quarterly, we had no finances or human resources for it. Today, God has kept true to His Word, raising a people of purpose, strength, purity and character through this work as He commissioned.

-Martins and Derin Fatola.